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Lib Dem Fight Back
Lib Dem Fight Back
Picture of Bob and Jeanette
This is a picture of Bob and Jeanette, they are stick ment that kiteflyers make with quad line kites
Election 2019
What really happened in the 2019 general election.
Pseudocode Editor
Text/code editor for AQA GCSE pseudocode. Features syntax highlighting and basic autocomplete.
Bean Story 3 Demo
A collection of demonstrations of how certain mechanics and features could work within Bean Story 3.
Casino (Depracated(soon))
Due to technical issues, and the horror of VB.NET, I am having to rewrite the Casino from the ground up, but it shall be back stronger than ever (eventually).
A screensaver for people that understand.
Fun maths things
short description
Message Encryptor
The original message encryptor.
Application which converts a folder into a labyrinth of zip files.
Minecraft Server Fix
A small fix for each person to install locally that should enable them to play minecraft.
Recorder Fingering Tool
By covering the holes, the application will tell you what note it would be.
"Music" Generator
Converts a string of text into a series of sounds
Minecraft World Download
Collection of world downloads for the minecraft server(s).
Casino 2: Electric Boogaloo
Following the overwhelming public pressure to return the joy of the online Casino to its millions of users, I have rewritten (and possibly improved) it.
Bean Story 1
Provides much needed back story to the upcoming smash hit Bean Story 3
Jeremy Corbyn Card Game
It's a card game featuring Corbyn.