To run this software, just run the .exe file. For the Online version, extract the .zip file
Soon, I will stop support for the offline version, and the online version will be the only format being updated.
For the "full" documentation, click here. (As with most things, I gave up doing it partway through)
The current features are:
- 3 Games (so far):
- Functioning slot machine, with nudge and hold features.
- Higher or Lower game. Much simpler than the slot machine, so only took a few hours to write.
- Coins, highscores and preferences are saved between sessions.
- Coins and highscores can be reset.
- Coins can be artificially added, if you're that bad at the game.
- Statistics, including high scores, win rates, and coins earned, are listed in a new window, and can be reset.
- Game-specific statistics have been added, at the request of no one.
- Dynamic odds calculation for the Horse Racing game - odds are based on saved game data.
- Taxes have been added, to balance the game, and to fund corrupt government organisations.
- Mind-dulling music, and some sounds. These are off by default (for good reason), but can be turned on in the 'more options' menu.
- .NET is complete **** and won't allow two sounds to be played at once with the SoundPlayer type so **** that i guess
- Multilingual support has been added! It's only Esperanto, so not a useful language, but the framework is now there for more languages to be added.
The upcoming features are:
- More games:
- Current suggestions include card games, such as blackjack.
- Sizable interface
- Online Version 2
- Less bugs/exploits
- More statistics
- More languages (Subject to volunteers)
- Highscores also could be stored server-side, and have both overall highscores, and personal bests.
- I have made a music loop for the horse-racing, I just completely lack motivation and self-confidence, so maybe one day it will end up here
Code, Music and Artwork by Thomas
The artwork is far from perfect. If you are in any way good at art, please send some alternative images to me (Preferred format *.png)
The music is intentionally repetitive and forgettable, for a number of fascinating psychological reasons. It was written for this purpose, thus not to be good.
For any bug reporting, or suggestions for new features, please use literally any bin you find as a postbox.
If the download system stops working, blame Toby. (Even if it is my fault.)